Module: Sport Operations Management SMGT40210
MSc Sport and Exercise Management
Centre for Sport Studies
School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science
Introduction and context analysis
Halpenny Golf is one of the largest golf retailers in Ireland and the UK and stickiest with stores located in Swords, Lucan, Grafton Street and Drogheda. It is a golf facility retailer in Ireland who provide over thousand golf product. Halpenny golf is amongst the top 10 golf retailers in UK & Ireland. They have four entity stores and one website shop, and serve over 60,000 customers with quite high loyalty. Their customer recognition technology is the most sophisticated and innovative of its kind in the world. They work to exacting international quality management standards with small manger group.
Since it is a big retailer in Irish golf industry it still affected by the crisis erupts since 2008. They have to change their shop place and make is smaller and more profitable. More and more these customers prefer to do less purchasing in golf. And some of them were trying online shop such as golf online in UK which can provide more and cheaper equipment.
The context of Halpenny is losing customer and profit in poor economic days in Ireland. It is easy to find the people in Ireland still have huge purchasing power at sport. However we still can find the changes between 10 years ago and now. People would like spend more money in gym and swimming pool which can easy to relaxed and much cheaper than play a round of golf. Less people golf lead less golf purchasing.
Before we talk more about Halpenny itself, we need find some benchmarking for it. In this essay will provide three benchmarking for Halpenny Golf. There are American Golf, Footlocker and Boshang golf Facility Company.
First one is American Golf in Ireland which is another big golf retailer in Ireland. American golf is the Europe’s largest golf retailer. They