Furthermore, Syrup Sopping is also a day when my family celebrates the migration of my great great grandmother from Selma, Al to Loachapoka, Al to raise her family. The most memorable detail about Syrup Sopping Day that I can remember is me, my 5 sisters, and 2 brothers riding on the back of our father’s pickup truck
down the long bumpy dirt roads with our blankets. I also recall the feel of the fresh crisp fall morning breeze against my face. When we arrived at the Syrup Sopping, I could smell the aroma of the freshly made syrup that is made on site and the delicious food in the air. After we arrived our parents would give us money to enjoy all of the outdoor festivities. Syrup Sopping Day at Loachapoka has always been a huge tradition for my family. In the long run, it is a tradition that I would like to continue with my own family someday and leave the tradition just the way that it is.