Throughout this past semester, Focused Inquiry has opened my eyes to the significance of one’s individual learning style and consequentially helped me to develop my skills as a communicator, critical thinker, and ethical reasoner. Various in-class and out-of-class activities contributed to the development of these said skills, however there are three particular assignments that I feel were most influential in the process. The first paper we were assigned to write was to be based on a personally significant learning experience. To prepare ourselves for this out-of-class assignment, we did a sort of “guided meditation” in class to help us organize our thoughts. During this meditation, Our professor instructed us to close our eyes and recall as much as possible from a significant past learning experience. She coaxed us to recall the hardly recognized and seemingly insignificant details of the situation we were reminiscing such as "what do you feel beneath your feet?", and "who is / isn't speaking?". After the meditation, we proceeded to creatively write about that said experience in our journals. Because this exercise encouraged me to slow down my thought processes, I was able to recall more of those "insignificant" details that I wouldn't have recognized initially. Consequentially, with the thoughts and sensations still fresh in my mind, I was able to speedily and precisely put them into words. Being able to do so dramatically complimented my writing style, with which I generally include various (and occasionally excessive) details and adjectives. I also noted that I seemed to do less "going back" and "crossing out" given my recollective sensations were still fresh in mind. This exercise opened my eyes to the significance of my learning style. I had never use this meditation technique prior to writing a paper and by doing so, I came to understand that it did wonders for my writing and kinesthetic learning style.