Vandag was die ergste dag ooit, want ons verloor ons wedstryd teen Chelsea. En ek was die rede dat my span verloor. As ek net probeer het om 'n bietjie harder. Dit is hoe dit afgegaan het, was dit in die laaste paar minute van die wedstryd, en ek hardloop na die doel post dit was 'n een op een, net vir my en die doelwagter, daar was geen manier wat ek kon mis. Ek het aangehou hardloop na die bewaarder en ek huiwer om te skiet en die bewaarder het die bal van my en my span verloor die spel.
Woorde: 101
According to certain people, violent video games should be banned; they feel that violent video games are the source of today’s violence amongst children. I strongly disagree with them. Video games, like movies, music and any other form of art, are there to entertain people and to enjoy, not restrict. What most people fail to realize is that the video game industry, like the film industry, is heavily regulated with a strict code of parental guidelines already in place. Even the game consoles to play these violent games have parental controls. What I fail to understand is that some parents believe its okay to give their children 18+ rated games even though they are well under that age, and say that these games are the sources of violence between children. If parents would not let a 10-year-old watch 18+ rated horrors movies, then why would parents let a 10-year-old play Gears of War, or Grand Theft Auto with its gang, crime and sexual content?
Today, the debate to ban violent video games is drastically increasing in popularity. Video games that have violence in them such as Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, or Gears of War, might be banned for showing mature content. Video games sold in the United States reach retail sales of twenty one billion dollars a year. If they are banned, the economy can lose a tremendous amount of profit, and not to mention almost every mature adult around the world would be extremely furious.
When people say that video