I am a candidate, whom you have invited to join your organization, writing to discuss my qualifications. As of right now, I am extremely honored by the fact that the only reason I was considered eligible to join you was because of my grade-point average, which is 3.57, but, I am also aware that the other requirements necessary for me to join NHS include a demonstration of positive traits of character, service, and leadership. Reading the necessary requirements for joining your society, I find myself actually acknowledging my existence within my society. I know that I am unique but, sometimes, I feel that that trait is not as visible as I would like it to be. To reiterate, reading the requirements …show more content…
In my stories, I base my characters on real people (with their consent). The character I made for myself, I portray as a leader, a fighter for justice. In reality, I’m just the boy with the pencil and imagination. I cannot speak of what other people think of me, but even with my lack of experience, I now strive for leadership. I have enjoyed being a team captain for my class baseball team, and being a lead singer for my church choir. As I reflect on my qualifications, I find myself discussing a very cheery topic: a made up holiday developed by my brother and I while I was in the fifth grade. Christgiving, the combination of both Thanksgiving and Christmas. While one could argue that this is just a tactic to receive more gifts at an earlier date, it is actually the opposite. By combining the values of both Christmas and Thanksgiving, Christgiving was developed as a way to give to those who do not have and be with our family as we do it. Another subject I remember is being on the robotics team during the same time. The team I was with worked with a brand of Lego-based kits known as Mindstorms©. While we (my team and I) were building the robots, I referred my coach to a site know as www.paperrobots1999.com (which may no longer exist as the same site. All Paper Robots may now only exist on www.deviantart.com). Essentially, this is a site where paper action figures can be printed and constructed. I cannot recall my initial expectation of what my