"Butyl acetate formation" Essays and Research Papers

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    LUCAS REAGENT ALCOHOL IMMEDITE REACTION WITH LUCAS’ REAGENT OBSERVATIONS AFTER 5 MINUTES AT 27 °C TO 28 °C n-butyl alcohol No reaction occurred Secondary butyl alcohol cloudy Tertiary butyl alcohol Cloudy appears Q2. REACTION OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY ALCOHOLS WITH CONCENTRATED HYDROCHLORIC ACID ALCOHOL OBSERVATIONS Secondary butyl alcohol Tertiary butyl alcohol Q3. Classify the alcohols used in this experiment as primary‚ secondary or tertiary. Q4. Use your answer

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    Figure 3 Superoxide radical scavenging activity. Values are mean ± SEM (n = 3). ABL‚ lyophilized aqueous extract of A. bilimbi fruits; ABP‚ petroleum ether fraction of ABL; ABE‚ ethyl acetate fraction of ABL; ABB‚ butanol fraction of ABL; ABW‚ aqueous fraction of ABL; QU‚ quercetin. 3.3.5 Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity Lyophilized aqueous extract of Averrhoa bilimbi fruits (ABL) and its different solvent fractions exhibited a dose dependent inhibition of nitric oxide radicals. The IC50

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    Mapua Institute of Technology School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Muralla St.‚ Intramuros‚ Manila Melting Point and Boiling Point of Organic Compounds Group No. 5 Manacup‚ Cris Vincent L. Oblena‚ Adrian D. Ong‚ Joshua Jyro B.* *Leader ABSTRACT In compounds‚ two of the physical properties affected by the varying structures are melting point and boiling point. Through the use of the Thomas-Hoover Melting Point Apparatus or the micro method‚ the melting and boiling point of

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    carboxylic acids

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    RESULTS  Solubility of Carboxylic acids in 10% NaHCO¬3  Acetic acid - formation of bubbles  Benzoic acid - formation of bubbles  Test for Acetic acid  NaOH + Acetic acid - blue litmus paper turned red  NaOH + Acetic acid + FeCl3 - red colored solution  Test for Benzoic acid  Benzoic acid + NH3 - red litmus paper turned blue  Benzoic acid + NH3+ FeCl3 - orange precipitate/ flesh-colored precipitate formed  Formation of Esters a. From Carboxylic acids  Acetic acid + ethanol + H2SO4

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    Governmental Industrial Hygienists‚ Inc. Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices‚ 6th ed. ACGIH‚ Cincinnati‚ OH‚ pp. 1263-1265. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2001. Toxicological Profile for Di-n-Butyl Phthalate. Atlanta‚ GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services‚ Public Health Service. Akingbemi‚ B.T.‚ R. Ge‚ G.R. Klinefelter‚ B.R. Zirkin and M.P. Hardy. 2003. Phthalate-induced Leydig cell hyperplasia is associated with multiple endocrine

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    Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives Ma. Marielle M. Medura Prof. Emma Boncales Chem 23A (TTH 01:00-4:00 p.m) Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives I. Introduction Carboxylic acids is an organic compound that contains a carboxylic group(-COOH). Its general formula is R-C=OOH with R referring to the rest of the molecule such as H and C. They are directly attached to a carbonyl group and the interaction between them affects the reactions of each. The polarity of the O-H bond

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    Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant‚ permeator)‚ of eye contact (irritant)‚ of ingestion‚ of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer). Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) 84.93 -96.7 Soluble in water Miscible in acetate‚ alcohol‚ alkane‚ benzene‚ CCl4‚ ether‚ CHCl3 Very hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant)‚ of ingestion‚ of inhalation. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant‚ permeator). Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness‚ watering‚ and

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    Wittig Reaction Lab Report

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    by Georg Wittig in 1954‚ the Wittig reaction is a robust organic synthesis method for preparing stereospecific alkenes. In general‚ Wittig reactions involve an aldehyde or ketone and a Wittig reagent (triphenylphosphonium ylide) and result in the formation of an alkene product and triphenylphosphine oxide (side product). Stereospecific alkene products can be synthesized by adjusting the reaction reagents and conditions. In the 60 years since the Wittig reaction was discovered‚ many articles have expanded

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    (Confirms if phenol compound) Reagent: bromine in H2O Observation: Disappearance of orange-brown bromine color‚ then formation of white precipitate Procedure: 3 drops phenol soln on test tube+ Br in H2O drop by drop while shaking‚ observe formation of ppt Oxidation by KMnO4 (Confirms if phenol compound) Reagent: aqueous neutral KMnO4 Observation: purple color( brown color (formation of quinone) Procedure: 3 drops phenol soln on test tube+ 1 drop aqueous neutral KMnO4‚ observe decolorizaton

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    J uly 5 ‚ 1960 & BUTYL STERS PEPTIDEYNTHESIS E IN S g roup occupies t he same position of the peptide chain in both mercaptalbumin and non-mercaptalbumin. 3359 Acknowledgments.-The authors are grateful to Mrs. J . O’Brien and Mr. 0. Griffith for their technical assistance. [ CONTRIBUTION T HE O RCAXIC FROM CHEMICAL RESEARCH SECTION‚ LEDERLE LABORATORIES v r s r o x ‚ MERICAN VASAMID U~ A C R Co.‚ PBARLIVER‚X. Y . ] &Butyl Esters of Amino Acids and Peptides and their

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