
Alienna Monologue

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Alienna Monologue
Scene 1
(At Alina’s house in her bedroom on the floor)
Alina- You can’t just let her treat you like this. ( looks concerned)
Elise- What do you mean ?
Alina- She treats you 1000 times worse than every girl. I can’t believe you don’t notice. Just don’t let it affect you. (Scared for her well being)
Elise- She has been treating me like this for awhile now so I guess I’m just used to it.
Alina- I guess she has, but one day you got to stand up for yourself.
Elise- I know. I’m just scared of what might happen.
Alina- What does Kevin think of the way she treats you ?
Elise- What do you mean, what does he think ?
Alina- Doesn’t he know the horrible things she has done to you. After all, you two are dating and have been for almost a year now.
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Elise- No, I’m not hungry.
Kevin- Okay, well I’m starving so I’m going to get something.
Elise- (rolls her eyes) Okay.
(Thoughts going on in Elise’s head)
Elise- Should I tell him about Nicki ? No, maybe not, they sit next to each other in a few classes. Does he talk about me to her ? Does she know we are dating ? Oh, he is coming back.
(Kevin returns with a drink and a sundae)
Kevin- I heard you left school early, what happened ?
Elise- Just an altercation with someone at school.
Kevin- Oh, who ? By the way the sundae is meant for us to share because I know you had a rough day.
Elise- It is fine, I don’t want any.
Kevin- (looks concerned)
Elise- I had an altercation with Nicki today. Nicki just hates me and before you ask I don’t know why.
Kevin- Well, she never talks bad about you in the classes I have with her.
Elise- Well, this has been going on for awhile. I would’ve said it was because she likes you and we are dating, but this has been going on longer than a year, and she is dating
Kevin- Awe, I’m sorry you should have told me about this sooner. I didn’t know you were going through this alone.
Elise- I’m not Alina has known since it started.
Kevin- Oh her. (not happy to hear her name, rolls
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Elise- Yeah, I’m just having a rough day. (Keeping her arm hidden, sniffing still really upset just hiding it)
Alina- Yeah, I heard. Kevin texted me saying that you left him upset at McDonalds, which isn’t like you at all.
Elise- Well, I just felt a little off today.
Alina- Are you going to let me just sit out here or can I come in ?
Elise- My mom isn’t home so it isn’t a good idea. (looking down at her arm)
Alina- (Notices something is wrong) Elise you’re not okay now let me in so we can talk about it.
Elise- No, I just want to be alone. (Tries to close the door)
Alina- (Pushes her way through the door and notices Elise’s arm)
Elise- Like I said you coming over was not a good idea.
Alina- Oh my god! What did you do to yourself ?
Elise- (Starts crying and breaks down)
Alina- (comforts here with improvisation)
Elise- (starts to explain what happened today)
(Scene fades out)

Scene 6
(Walking to school the next day)
Elise- Hey! Alina!
Alina- (Turns around and smiles at her bothered, then turns back around to continue to walk)
Elise- (Confused of why she didn’t come near her) (thoughts) Maybe she was having an important

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