For years universities, pharmaceutics companies and medical schools have been using animals for experiments. I think that animal testing is unacceptable for various reasons.
Small animals like hamsters, mice and rats are usually kept in plastic boxes about the size of a shoebox. Several animals live in one box. Larger animals like dogs, cats and primates usually live in wire-cages. Most of animals stay in their cages all the time except when they are being used for experiments.
Animal testing costs a lot of money, as the animals has to be fed, housed, cared for and treated with drugs. The animal testing may occur more than once which means more than planned. The cost of buying animals is itself expensive.
Scientists use animals to test cosmetics, medicines and a lot of other …show more content…
Consequently, they won’t react to the drugs the same way as in their natural environment.
Animal testing statistics show that animal loses their lives during the course of experiments. Some lose their limbs, eyesight or hearing ability. All in the name of saving human lives. I know that people kill millions of animals for food but you can’t compare that with months or even years of torture animals’ through. Wouldn’t you rather been killed in one shot than being tortures by needles, cuts and poisonous chemicals being injected into your body for an eternity long?
The death of animals due to an experiment gone wrong is similar to a murder of a human who was tested against his will. In human tests, humans are asked to sign up legally for being tested. So in case of any kind of loss, him and his family are compensated. However, animals are never asked for their opinion and don’t sign up legally because they do not have the understanding capabilities of a human. This does not give us the right o use another life for our