Excess of students in the college system devalues your degree.
People go to college for different reasons, yet one of the most important ones is to get a degree in a job field fit for them, and to settle themselves apart from others who want the same career as them. The job market is more competitive now than ever before. Now imagine thousands of people with the same degree as you competing for the same job. How can you make yourself more employable than the others. Your education has a limit, and with so much competition, there will not be enough room for employment. More people with the same degree is equivalent to less value to your
degree. However, the defense believes that if higher education was free people on the streets can go to school now. They also stated that students will concentrate more in school not having to worry about student debts. Colleges weighted the pros and cons and stated that “A better-educated population could result in smarter decision-making at every level of society, which could lead to faster progress in solving our most difficult, collective challenges”.
In closing, America's future is at stake. And nearly everyone agrees that education is one of the biggest factors that will determine the nation's fate going forward. According to estimates from 2013, young adults in America earn over 60 percent more if they have a bachelor's degree than if they only complete high school. Therefore, higher education is recommended non the less .