The pearl harbor attack start very early in the morning, seven december of 1941. Pearl harbor was a surprise attack that lead the united states entered the world war 2. The attack to pearl harbor start like at 7 or 8 am, the japanese
army attack like with 350 planes of attack. They kill 2, 403 american people die in the attack of pearl harbor. 188 planes of the united states navy were destroyed. 1,178 americans were injured by the attack. one japanese marine was captured. 29 planes and 5 submarines and 64 serviceman of japan were killed.France was helping the united states when the attack of Pearl Harbor.
On December, 8, U.S declared war on japan. Domestic Support for other countries not to infer, which has been disappearing since the Fall of France in 1940. Suppof of The united kingdom was replaced by good union. After operations by the US performed Germany and Italy to declare war on the US. There were a lot of historical judicial decisions for military action that were not announced by Japan.
The needing of any formal warning, particularly while negotiations were still apparently not going, this led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to make December 7, 1941 "a date which will live in infamy". Because the attack happened without any warning, the attack on Pearl Harbor was judged by the Tokyo Trials to be a war crime.
In conclusion, the Pearl Harbor was a really impressing attack, because the u.s army wasn’t active in that moment they didn’t know that they were been attack by the japanese army. The japanese were really mean because they didn’t make an advertisement that they were attacking in hawaii that morning of 1941. It was an attack that was really impressive for not only the u.s also for other countries because the u.s is a country that is really big and that other countries admire.