This grant has a positive impact on poor children as well as their families. The government is doing everything on its power to reduce poverty by giving people the basic needs. Poor people are linked to resources and services, there are programmes established to empower the people’s skills. The government support and help people to restore their dignity and self-esteem by promotion of competence and empowerment programmes to break up the barrier that keeps them in the same position. Creation of opportunities for all South African and more especially the poor to develop their full potential through education and training, people who wish to continue their studies to tertiary level but cannot afford to pay their fees, there are opportunities available for them such as bursaries and scholarships as an assistance to the needs to pursue their dreams or goals. There is also an internship programme for people who have qualifications to offer them practical work experience and one can acquire important supplementary skills and can make it easier for an individual to get a job. There is a program offered by the Department of Social Development, established for social security and other safety procedures to protect the vulnerable groups such as the poor, disabled and elderly people. Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) provide an important opportunities for labour absorption and income transfers to poor households, It employ workers on a temporary or ongoing basis through government, contractors and Non-Government Organisations. People who are poor are hired so that they can have a monthly income in order to sustain them throughout the
This grant has a positive impact on poor children as well as their families. The government is doing everything on its power to reduce poverty by giving people the basic needs. Poor people are linked to resources and services, there are programmes established to empower the people’s skills. The government support and help people to restore their dignity and self-esteem by promotion of competence and empowerment programmes to break up the barrier that keeps them in the same position. Creation of opportunities for all South African and more especially the poor to develop their full potential through education and training, people who wish to continue their studies to tertiary level but cannot afford to pay their fees, there are opportunities available for them such as bursaries and scholarships as an assistance to the needs to pursue their dreams or goals. There is also an internship programme for people who have qualifications to offer them practical work experience and one can acquire important supplementary skills and can make it easier for an individual to get a job. There is a program offered by the Department of Social Development, established for social security and other safety procedures to protect the vulnerable groups such as the poor, disabled and elderly people. Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) provide an important opportunities for labour absorption and income transfers to poor households, It employ workers on a temporary or ongoing basis through government, contractors and Non-Government Organisations. People who are poor are hired so that they can have a monthly income in order to sustain them throughout the