Let’s take a look at these words and phrases. Dependable means: you always get to work on time, finish taking your break on time and continue doing your work after finishing your break, and you complete all the work assigned to you. Trustworthy means: you don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you, and you work all the hours assigned to you. A team player means: you work well with others. Other employees can rely on you completing your part of the job so that they can complete their part of the job. If there is a problem concerning your work, you will let the other employees know about it. You don’t insist on everything going your way. You do what is best for the company. Works independently means: you don’t need a supervisor standing there watching you. The company can trust you to do your job even if you are the only one there. Self motivated is similar to works independently. It means you want to do the job, and will do it without supervision. Needs little or no supervision means the same thing as works independently, and you are self-motivated. Self-starter means: you go to work, and start doing your work without the supervisor telling you, and when you complete a task you go on to the next task without being
Let’s take a look at these words and phrases. Dependable means: you always get to work on time, finish taking your break on time and continue doing your work after finishing your break, and you complete all the work assigned to you. Trustworthy means: you don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you, and you work all the hours assigned to you. A team player means: you work well with others. Other employees can rely on you completing your part of the job so that they can complete their part of the job. If there is a problem concerning your work, you will let the other employees know about it. You don’t insist on everything going your way. You do what is best for the company. Works independently means: you don’t need a supervisor standing there watching you. The company can trust you to do your job even if you are the only one there. Self motivated is similar to works independently. It means you want to do the job, and will do it without supervision. Needs little or no supervision means the same thing as works independently, and you are self-motivated. Self-starter means: you go to work, and start doing your work without the supervisor telling you, and when you complete a task you go on to the next task without being