Level: 3
Credit value: 3
UAN: J/601/1434
1:1 Identify the different reasons people communicate
People communicate to express needs, to share ideas and information, to reassure and express feelings, to build relationship, to maintain relationship with others, to give and receive information and instruction, to understand and be understood, to share opinion, knowledge, feeling, emotion, to give encouragement and showed other that they are valued.
I ensure needs of individuals are meet by communicating with the family; I discuss the options and choices available to the individual to allow them to make an informed decision in regards to their care.
1:2 Explain how communication affects relationship in the work setting; * Sharing and gaining Information:
For any setting to work effectively we will need to share information, this can be with parent, in other settings, share routing information about the child or young person is feeling, about their health, feeds for babies, change in routine for toddlers, eg: no naps during the day, referrals to senco / speech and language therapist, In any Child care setting communication is an essential tool a carer should use to make sure the meet the needs of the individual children. Communication in my setting affect the dynamic of the day: for instance if a child came to me on a Monday morning without communication from the parent/carer, I would not know what she has being like the day before, if the child is teething, has had a change in circumstance, If am not given the right information etc.; in cases like this it will affect my setting as I will not be able to meet the individual needs thus not meeting the national standards. There fore this will affect the relationship in my setting.
* Settling in
For any children and young people settling in to the settings can be hard at time, as a practitioner we should find a way to communicate with a child/young person quickly when we