Chef Moran
Leadership Assignment
Article: Which of These Six Leadership Styles works best?
Link: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704041504575045163417674970
Summary/Key Points:
The article lists and explains six different leadership styles: visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting and commanding. However, it doesn’t necessarily deem any one style to be the best and it stresses that different styles work better than others depending on the situation. Each style has its positives and negatives, and some are geared towards portraying a message to a group while others are used more to increase individual performance. For example, the visionary and affiliative approaches are more about communicating to groups. The visionary style is for when a leader wants to clarify the future goals of an organization while the affiliative style is about connecting people, getting them to work well as a team. The potential downside to this one is that if you make everything about the team and don’t focus at all on individuals, it can cause some individuals to slack off or perform poorly. An example of a style that’s more about the individual is the coaching style. This one is about working closely with individuals, giving advice one on one to help them develop their skills so they can better help the organization. This can be very good for some people, but some workers may feel like they are being micromanaged and/or lower their confidence. The democratic style is about relying on the know-how of the workers and basically asking them to put their skills together to come up with the necessary solutions. This can work if you have experienced workers but quick decisions don’t have to be made. However, if there’s an urgent situation that needs to be taken care of it’s important that people have a clear direction. The pacesetting style is when a leader is constantly obsessing about getting things done as perfectly and quickly as
References: http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/how-to-keep-your-best-staff http://www.businessinsider.com/richard-bransons-leadership-rules-2014-10 http://www.forbes.com/sites/danschawbel/2014/09/23/richard-branson-his-3-most-important-leadership-principles/