Desires may be many, but an ambition is a different thing. I have thought long and well about the ambition of my life. I neither want wealth, nor fame, name nor power. My only ambition is to serve my motherland honestly, sincerely and lovingly. There are many ways to serve our motherland. We can serve the country as an engineer, as a politician and as a doctor. The profession of a teacher is a noble one. An honest teacher is the real builder of the nation. .
I desire to become a soldier. I feel I can serve my beloved country best in this way. The army life is so full of adventure, discipline, toughness and risk. All these things attract me most. Wherever the soldier goes, he is received with great respect.
A youth in the army uniform with stars and medals fascinates me most. A soldier works with a mission. He is the protector of our honour, wealth and well-being. A soldier never wants a war, but if it is forced upon him he never looks back.
One has to be always very alert, active, disciplined and dutiful. A soldier's motto is to do or die. I am already a cadet officer of my school and hope to be an army officer in the