Diploma in Management and Leadership
UNIT S8003 – Performance Management
Julie Rowcliffe November 2012
Task 1 A.C. 1.1 Explain the links between Individual, team and organisational objectives A.C. 1.2 Identify the selection of and agree individual and team objectives A.C. 1.3 Identify and agree areas of individual and team responsibility in achieving objectives Introduction Edinburgh College is going through major change at the moment with the merger of 3 Edinburgh College’s coming together. Our new principal is in place and is currently setting the new management structure and organisational objectives for the next 5 years. Edinburgh College must find alternative ways of securing income due to huge cuts made from the Funding Council. The Government has made a commitment to provide 25000 apprenticeships throughout Scotland for 16 – 24 years old but predominantly 16 – 19 year olds. There is a huge pressure from the Government for College’s to engage in these programmes which will in turn bring new funded money into the college which will soften the shortfall from the Funding Council. Using the 7 stages based on “Plan-Do-See” (hand out from Annette) I will discuss and identify Task 1
1.1 Check Vision 1.2 Establish Vision 1.3 Check Vision 1.4 Establish Vision
5.1 Self Appraisal 5.2 Performance appraisal 5.3 Confirm appraisal results
5.1 Self Appraisal 5.2 Performance appraisal 5.3 Confirm appraisal results
2.1 Draw up preliminary strategic objectives 2.2 Create strategy map
2.1 Draw up preliminary strategic objectives 2.2 Create strategy map
4.1 Check Progress
References: Appendix 2 | Armstrong, M (2006) Performance Management Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines |