
Personal Narrative: My Way Home To Colorado

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The storms were wild one super cold winter. There was huge fluffy white snow banks along the sides of the canyon road that were higher than the jacked up dodge pick-up my mom drove. My mom, my sisters and I were on our way home to Colorado from visiting our grandparents in Idaho. The roads were iced over with sheer thin black ice causing my mom to drive very carefully. Mom seemed to know something bad was going to happen as she calmly asked me and my sisters if our seat belts were buckled. She said it was just in case something were to happen.
As we made our way through the canyon, meanwhile we were becoming more comfortable with our situation. My mom suddenly yells at us to hold on and in a split second our pick-up glides across the road
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I suddenly realized the accident had put our pick-up right into a snowbank. The pick-up was completely covered in a white blanket of snow all around us. My mom tried to back us back out of the snowbank, but with our luck it the truck was stuck. After we couldn’t escape the snowbank I started to freak out screaming that we were all going to die! But my mom reassured me that we would be okay and would soon be out and on our way. As we waited in the pick-up it began to slowly getting colder and colder which was not a pleasant experience. We were waiting for my grandpa to come to our rescue. The sun started to slowly go down and the darkness and cold of the night began to overcome us in the snowy canyon. We were all freezing, but trying to make the most of our current situation we began to listen to music. While listening to the music we got lost in our jamming out session and in what it felt like no time at all my grandpa arrived. He pulled us out of the dreadful snow and made sure our pick-up was alright. I talked about what had happen like as if i almost

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