Having any kind of debt, not just student debt, can take a toll on your mental health. People with debt are more likely to suffer from prolonged stress, depression and anxiety. Having debt can affect your future as well, Credit scores, missed payments, It won't help if you have a long CIBL score debts can play in with bank loan rejections as well. Having student debt can also bring down your credit scores as after post secondary education you have to find a place to live which is also another cost. Including the student debt your debt to income ratio will be thrown off and saving for a monthly down payment will be harder with so many costs. Reason 2: Less college dropouts and reduced crime rates in teens. 77% of post secondary students struggle with finances balancing book bills, post secondary tuition, food bills and basic needs. 38% of those students drop out of post secondary school due to finances. Financial pressure in Post secondary school is hard and even the financial pressure thought of as a high school student can add onto one of your reasons to not go to Post secondary
Having any kind of debt, not just student debt, can take a toll on your mental health. People with debt are more likely to suffer from prolonged stress, depression and anxiety. Having debt can affect your future as well, Credit scores, missed payments, It won't help if you have a long CIBL score debts can play in with bank loan rejections as well. Having student debt can also bring down your credit scores as after post secondary education you have to find a place to live which is also another cost. Including the student debt your debt to income ratio will be thrown off and saving for a monthly down payment will be harder with so many costs. Reason 2: Less college dropouts and reduced crime rates in teens. 77% of post secondary students struggle with finances balancing book bills, post secondary tuition, food bills and basic needs. 38% of those students drop out of post secondary school due to finances. Financial pressure in Post secondary school is hard and even the financial pressure thought of as a high school student can add onto one of your reasons to not go to Post secondary