I made a great fuss about my back hurting and my neck hurting and my everything else hurting after a night trussed up in the bag.
(p. 37) Aku mengeluh punggungku sakit, leherku sakit, dan seluruh badanku sakit setelah semalaman dibungkus kantong tidur.
(p. 39)
In the data above the phrase the bag has an implicit meaning which is categorized into implicit situational meaning due to the time and place where the communication takes place. The story line showed that Andy trussed up in the bag at night before, it can be seen that the time when the speech took place showed the meaning of the speech and the place where she said the phrase the bag was at her step-mother house. In the previous chapter Andy said that her stepmother made …show more content…
45) Aku berhenti di terminal bus, lalu, kalau sedang tinggal dengan Mum, naik bus nomor 29 sampai pub The Cricketers, kemudian jalan kaki sepuluh menit.
(p. 47)
The sentence above has an implicit situational meaning due to place where the communication takes place. The phrase a 29 has different meaning if the phrase is spoken at different places, for example if the phrase a 29 was spoken at the school in the class after having an exam, a 29 may have different meaning, it might be the result of her exam or something else. While in the data above the speech was spoken by Andy, she described that when she lived with her mother she had to go to the bus station and get a 29 when she walked home from her school. Because the phrase a 29 in this sentence related to the bus station, it would be the bus with number 29 which she meant.
In the translation, a 29 is translated into bus nomor 29, the meaning is transferred explicitly by giving additional information of bus nomor in the TLT. The data have to be translated explicitly into the TLT, if not it would raise confusion of the TL readers because it is not familiar to refer a bus by only saying its number in the TL. By giving an additional information, the translation is having gain of information in the TLT.
Data 9
SLT …show more content…
It's always worse on Fridays. That's changeover day.
(p. 53) Kepalaku sakit, kadang perutku yang sakit, atau seluruh tubuhku nyeri dan badanku terlalu panas atau terlalu dingin sampai aku menggigil. Gejalanya lebih parah di hari Jumat. Itu hari ganti