SA Fitness offers several types of membership plans to accommodate anyone’s needs. A membership plan has the beginning date, an initiation fee, a monthly fee, a duration (number of months in the plan contract), and a personal training fee.
Once a person signs up for a membership plan, that person is called a “client”. Clients must be enrolled in exactly one plan, but a plan may enroll several clients. Information to be stored in the database about each client include the client’s name, address, height (feet and inches), and weight (in pounds).
SA Fitness employs several trainers who conduct the workout sessions for the clients. Each trainer has a unique id, a first and last name, and salary. A trainer may conduct multiple workout sessions, however, each workout session is conducted by exactly one trainer.
Workouts are specialized into two categories: group classes and personal training. All workout sessions have a unique workout number, a length of time in minutes, and a Day/Time, which gives the day of the week and the time of day (‘Wednesday 9:00 a.m.’, for example). Group classes have a class name, and the number of calories that are normally burned by participating in the class. A personal training session is limited to just one client, and therefore SA Fitness needs to indicate the training goals of the session.
Clients may choose to participate in as many group classes or personal training sessions as they like. SA Fitness doesn’t keep track of which clients attend which group classes, however personal training sessions are customized for the client. Therefore we need to know which client meets with one of the trainers for the personal training session. Each client may participate in zero or more personal training