Навчально-методичний посібник
З курсу
Теорія і практика перекладу
(На базі англійської мови)
Practical translation of any texts discloses as a rule a number of challenges to be dealt with by means of various methods and techniques that involve search for target language counterparts that are not simple one-to-one correspondences to be found in the dictionary’s entry or belong to parallel grammatical structures. Pre-reading of the original text is helpful for determining the genre, style, semantic information and illocutionary power. Nevertheless while engaged in the translating process the translator has to choose some definite translational patterns that are dictated by the situation. Certainly, the help of two-language dictionaries is not sufficient for covering the meanings of a great variety of word combinations and lexemes contextual usage that are being actualised in the speech stream. For better comprehension of the ideas presented in this work it is necessary to ascertain the meaning of the terms “language” and “speech”, especially in this manual. The language as a phenomenon is a system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means that functions to express thoughts, senses and wills in people’s communications. To our belief, a language as a positive substance could be fixed on material carriers: paper (manuals, dictionaries, grammar books), audio means, etc. A language exists i.e. is being realised in the process of speech, in the speech stream, that is brought into being by a speaker who uses certain lingual means in addressing the community or him/herself. Speech is more specific, corporeal: it has pure material form of existence: air vibrations, textual material on paper and of course functioning of technical means. For better understanding of the following topics the reader has to discriminate clearly between language and speech since different types of