Toyota Corolla is researching and testing its version of an autonomous car that’s fully capable of self-driving. Many car manufacturers have been developing ever-increasing levels of self-driving capabilities, but Toyota has concentrated on safety systems. [1] However, in a change of strategy, Toyota now plans to manufacture a Platform 3.0 research car that’s fully capable autonomous.
Toyota’s Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Features
The prototype--which will be thoroughly tested for safety in self-driving applications before being offered to consumers--will be unveiled at CES 2018 in Las Vegas. [2] The car is based on a modified Lexus LS 600hl hybrid vehicle. The model isn’t that important because Toyota is fine-tuning its design to configure sensors in a way that’s optimal for self-driving cars. The exhibition vehicle that will be exhibited at the world’s gathering of consumer technologies has the following features: [3]
· A LIDAR system, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, uses laser technology to measure distance by reflecting laser pulses up to 200 meters
· Full 360-degree version of LIDAR
· Short-range versions of LIDAR stationed on …show more content…
The research and development facility announced in 2016 that the Jaybridge Robotics software team had joined the effort to develop artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous vehicles. [7] The development team brings decades of AI experience to Toyota’s efforts to develop autonomous vehicles. One of TRI’s major goals is safety, and self-driving technology could reduce the 1.25 million worldwide traffic fatalities each year by decreasing the numbers of accidents caused by inattention and not using defensive driving