They help assist and motivate clients to achieve personal fitness and health goals. There are many certification programs that a personal trainer could choose from, but the ACSM is at the top of the list in having every type of certification that one would need. I first was interested in personal training when I saw that almost all of my family was obese. I did not know until now that about 50% of whatever happened to my parents (health related) was going to happen to me unless I start prevention. I saw how they could not come and support me in anything dealing with school or my athletics. I also saw that they all had hard times breathing and increased their chances of disease by more than double. I knew then that that was not the life that I wanted for myself of kids. Change will not come over night but if one works hard at it continuously, you will reap the benefits. That is why I am choosing this profession; well I can say that this profession chose me. Now, by wanting to be a personal trainer or wanting any profession, you should want to be the best qualified for the job, and by attaining certifications from the ACSM, I would be setting myself above the …show more content…
The ACSM has certifications in Personal Training, Exercise Physiologist, and Cancer Exercise Training just to name a few. The ACSM is not only preparing you to be able to change the world one person at a time but it is also equipping you into being the best person you can be in order to be able to influence others. A personal trainer will have to be able to not just have the knowledge of training but have to be a product of their own work. They will have to properly demonstrate the exercise and also be able to last the entire training period. It is not an easy decision to make because if it were everybody would do it. The program allows those who really want to be a part of the movement to show it. This is like anything else in life if you want something you have to work for it and go get it. By choosing ACSM, you are saying that you do not want to be average or settle for a bronze medal, but you are focused on that gold. Like I mentioned earlier this is not easy and only the best are chosen and the ACSM knows that and that is why prior to taking the test they offer crash courses, study guides, and online study tips. The prices for these tools are not what one would call pocket change, but you have to ask yourself how much your future worth to you is. Once you have passed your test and you have your certification that is not it. When you get your certification with the ACSM, you are part of a new family. They are not just here