
Why Is Animal Testing Wrong

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Why Is Animal Testing Wrong
Scientists use animals to attempt to find more about living things and about the illnesses that affect them. When looking at animals, typically vertebrates, it becomes possible to obtain important details that can be hard to find by any other way. For example, a new surgical method or medicine is found, most think it is wrong to first test it on another human because it could potentially inflict harm on them. Because of this, these things are typically tested on animals to make sure that it is safe and that it successfully fulfills its purpose. Animal testing is ethically wrong because we are placing millions of animals to life in a laboratory to cause them pain and fear against their own will. Allowing animals to live on their own without humans intentionally harming them is the most ethical option. Mice and rats are not meant to be for used for laboratory tests that could easily end up killing them. According to Manfred Liebsch, “The main areas of use are in basic science (33%) and research and development (31%), followed by production and …show more content…
According to PETA 9 out of 10 of every animal test fails and results in the animal perishing. An alternative offered by Lori Carter, Tim Little, and Claire Matthews is that we could simply “look at the structure of the chemical compound or molecule under consideration, run it up against a database of chemicals with known toxological effects, and search for substances with similar chemical structures” instead of killing animals. This is a great idea considering how much information scientists already have. Other alternatives stated by PETA are epidemiological studies, using cadavers, sophisticated high-fidelity human-patient simulators, and computational models. These have the potential to be much more reliable, more precise, less expensive, and more humane alternatives to experiments on

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