Judge, T., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E., & Patton, G. K. (2001, May). The job-satisfaction-job…
First, health is a big concern for people, and their health day in and day out will hinder or help their performances. Someone who is in bad health, or poor health is not going to be motivated to get up and get their day started, they are more prone to being lazy and getting up right when they have to, to get done what needs to get done. On the other hand, someone who is in better health is ready for their day; they want to get up and get moving and do something in life. You can tell those people who are motivated for the work day because they are at work, they love their career choice, and basically they want to be where they are and continue to strive to get to the top.…
There are five major components of job satisfaction, one being monetary benefits (Ghillyer 2010). According to Ghillyer (2012) an employee’s behavior towards their pay may affect their work performance. The issue that arises with employee motivation is that management is unable to satisfy all (Ghillyer 2010). This becomes an even larger problem when employees being joining unions, resigning and being frequently absent (Ghillyer 2010).…
correct job placement - job satisfaction fosters an attitude in workers to want to do their job well…
Job satisfaction in the workplace has become the new elusive phenomena throughout Corporate America. When employees are satisfied the organization benefits in many ways in that satisfied employees are more committed to the organization. Committed and loyal employees are more likely to work hard and make useful contributions to the growth of the organization. They are likely to have less absenteeism, fewer grievances or engage in negative behavior. Thus by ensuring that employees are satisfied, management stands to gain a more efficient and smooth running organization. Given the benefits of high job satisfaction, companies are constantly coming up with new ways to increase and improve job satisfaction on the job. In an effort to increase job satisfaction more and more companies are experimenting with different approaches to work hours and workweek.…
Job satisfaction has often been described as employees’ emotional response to the current job position. When an employee decides to remain with a company or organization that is called job satisfaction. When employees speak about job satisfaction, another factor for consideration is motivation in the workplace. For companies or organizations to be successful and sustain a competitive advantage, a partnership with employees is needed. Job satisfaction has several factors: “Relationships with direct reports, workplace environments, fulfillment or personal fulfillment in job duties.”(McNamara, 2009)…
Job Satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors concerning an employee’s feelings or state-of-mind regarding the nature of work. The factors that influence an employee’s behaviors can constitute the relationship between employee and manager, the quality of the physical environment at work, and the degree of fulfillment in the work being done.…
Having satisfied employees is a real issue in today workplace. As Lencioni (2007) points out “Three out of four people hate their jobs – and this misery costs employers $350 billion a year in lost productivity. Job satisfaction kills morale and drives up the cost of recruiting, hiring, and retaining employees” (par. 5). Lencioni (2007) goes on to say “People spend so much of their time at work, and yet many are unfulfilled, frustrate and miserable in their jobs” (par. 1). Lencioni (2007) also states “People who are miserable in their jobs dread going to work and come home frustrated, defeated, and weary. Over time this dull pain erodes their confidence and passion” (par. 4). Constructing a positive, trusting working environment will increase employee satisfaction, create innovative solutions and improve corporate profit.…
Job satisfaction is the way a person feels about his or her job (Jex & Britt, 2008). Job satisfaction is also the attitude a person possesses towards his or her job. A person may feel like his or her job is demanding, interesting, rewarding, or outright stressful, and demeaning. A person who is happy with his or her job demonstrates a positive attitude about the job. Several factors play a key role in how a person feels about his or her job such as emotional intelligence of management, work conditions, pay, promotions, compensation, advancement opportunities, benefits, communication, and recognition.…
Job design is a work arrangement or overcoming job dissatisfaction and employee alienation arising from repetitive and mechanistic tasks. Through job design organizations try to raise productivity levels by offering non-monetary rewards such as greater satisfaction from a sense of personal achievement in meeting the increased challenges and responsibility of one’s work. Job enlargement, job achievement, job rotation, and job simplification are the various techniques used in a job design exercises. It is crucial that organizations create an environment where workers are motivated by jobs in which they feel challenged but at the same time their work goes with the objectives of the company. Designing jobs properly will cause a positive impact on motivation, performance, and job satisfaction on those who perform them (Moorhead and Griffin, 1998).…
Employees behaviour at work is an important factor in organizational growth if employees are committed then the higher financial benefits can be realized by organizations. A satisfied work force is essential for the success of organizations and their business, while damaging their financial performance. Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Employees which are dissatisfied, when unattended, do not have loyalty towards their organizations and therefore cannot produce profits. They endanger the very existence of their organizations, jeopardizing the creation of national wealth in the long run. Therefore it is necessary and important for mangers to make employees behave in a desired manner. The term job satisfaction is commonly used in the context of human…
Job satisfaction describes how happy and individual is with his or her job .the happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be logic would dictate that the most satisfied (“happy”) workers should be the best performers and vice and versa. This is called the “happy worker” question can relate to rates of pay, work responsibilities, verity of tasks, promotional opportunities .they work itself and co-workers…
Several job elements contribute to job satisfaction. The most important amongst them are wage structure,…
Locke, E.A.; “The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.). Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp. 1297-1349). Chicago: Rand-McNally.; 1976.…
Have a reason to get up every morning: As you’re starting out as an early riser, it may be tough, and it helps to have some kind of motivation to keep you focused. Make a list of the things you want to do the next day before going to sleep. Being goal-oriented will help you build discipline and ensure that you are conscious of the fact that you have a purpose for getting up early each morning.…