Sarah C. Decuzar, KarloNicholi Raymundo, Hannah Mae M. Verano1
Centro Escolar University- Makati college of science and technology major in Psychology , Manila Philippines1
Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day because it is how your body cope with the eight hours of fast during your sleep it also boost our energy to do your task the entire day and a good meal in the morning can also help to regulate your blood sugar levels through lunch time, which plays a vital role in your mood. This study will provide the explanation on the importance of eating breakfast for the sophomore psychology students. We provided survey for the students to gather data on who are eating breakfast in the morning and those who do not eat breakfast before school. Our survey included questions that will identify the academic performance and participation of students before lunch break. In gathering data, the method that we used in this research is cluster sampling in which the entire population is divided into groups. All observations in the selected clusters are included in the sample. There are 31 Sophomore Psychology Students of 2A, 32 Sophomore Psychology Students of 2B and 36 sophomore psychology Students of 2C. Those who ate breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier throughout the day than those who do not eat breakfast before going to school tend to feel anxious, has low attention span and poor classroom participation. We can say that eating breakfast has an implication student’s classroom behavior withouteating breakfast, people can get irritable, restless, and tired.
Keywords: breakfast, behaviour, classroom, students, participation
In this study we aim to determine the implication of a full meal breakfast to a student’s emotional and behavioral problems. Let us define the importance of breakfast.
A healthy breakfast
Cited: Kleinman, R. (1998 March). New Harvard research shows school breakfast program may improve children 's behavior and performance. KidSource Online. Available at: Phillips, Gregory W., Does Eating Breakfast Affect the Performance of College Students on Biology Exams?, Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, v30 n4 p15-19 Dec 2005. 5 pp.