accomplishments of the Class of 2013. To my fellow
classmates, we've made it. We've finally made it. We
are graduating. Congratulations. Congratulations not
only to us graduates, but also congratulations to our
teachers, parents, friends, families and
administrators. Our success is your success, for you
have given us the freedom to dare, the courage to
excel and the belief that we can achieve our best.
Together for the last time, we stand poised at the
very edge of graduation, looking towards a bright
future. Soon each of us will go forth, in his or her
unique direction, seeking to make a mark upon the
world. Our adulthood, so long anticipated, has now
arrived. We have grown up. We must seize our future, and taking it into our own hands, do with it what we
will, striving towards excellence.
Although every one of us will eventually bloom with
his/her own personality, morals, and perspectives, the
education and values we learn and see along the way
add to the fingers that mold. We began our journey
when we where young, taken care of by our parents.
These priceless people showed us love, and just how
strong attachments can be. Family ties snared us in
their loving webs and became the support network to
catch us throughout our youthful falls. They were
our first real pictures of people, and their actions and
emotions immediately become examples to follow.
I would like to thank you, parents, for the
unconditional love and support you provided us to
bring us all to this success..for the beautiful lessons
you taught us, the compelling values you planted in
our lives to be independent individuals, for being our
protectors and for reaching out despite our
indifferences. A thousand words may not be enough
to show our gratitude. We want to dedicate this
success and joy we share today to