Eric an only child and lives with his mother, Mrs. Clara Yu, father, Mr. Hideki, Matsuno, and grandfather. When asked about his relationships with family members and home functioning, Eric reported having a great relationship with his parents. The updated social history indicate that English is the primary language spoken in the home, in addition to the Cantonese-Chinese language. Eric was born prematurely after 35 weeks of pregnancy via C-section. Shortly after birth, Eric was placed in an incubator for a day and remained hospitalized in the NCCI for a week due to his low birth weight. His developmental milestones were somewhat delayed and were met within the age expectations. With regards to speech and language, Eric began speech therapy at the age of 2 years old. of age. This health history indicates Eric is a healthy …show more content…
His Depression and Withdrawal scales were rated as a concern in school as his scores were within the At-Risk range. Vineland-II fell within the Average range on his Daily Living Skills, Socialization and Motor Skills domains.
Eric started Paumanok Elementary School in the 3rd grade, where he was educated in a general education classroom. In addition, he received Speech and Language Therapy in a small group setting twice a week for 30 minutes. His grades on his 3rd grade report card indicated that Eric was meeting and exceeding grade expectations in the areas of Math, Writing and English.
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