In October 1997, An assistant high school Principal in Mississippi saved a school by simply scaring the shooter when he had retrieved a gun from his car on campus. The shooter had killed two and wounded several others, but when the assistant principal pulled the gun on the kid he tried to make a get away. The get-away failed and cops were able to capture the shooter. In today’s age schools have resource officers to help protect the school, but just imagine what all would be done if the school just armed some random staff members in the
In October 1997, An assistant high school Principal in Mississippi saved a school by simply scaring the shooter when he had retrieved a gun from his car on campus. The shooter had killed two and wounded several others, but when the assistant principal pulled the gun on the kid he tried to make a get away. The get-away failed and cops were able to capture the shooter. In today’s age schools have resource officers to help protect the school, but just imagine what all would be done if the school just armed some random staff members in the