Like I said these kids that are in the military are too young. They’re still kids and they don’t know how to protect themselves, they’re going to obviously end up dying there. Plus their brain isn’t even fully developed, in the text it states “According to human-rights groups and the United States, the somali government is using hundreds of children, some as young as 9 on the front line” I said they’re still little. They as well can be traumatized from all the dead bodies they see when they’re in the field. Worst of all they won’t be able to see their families. That’s one of the many reasons on why there shouldn’t be child soldiers. …show more content…
They don’t deserve it and it’s just something really sad to think about. In the text it states “based in New York, told IRIN international humanitarian law remains “silent” on the age of responsibility for perpetrators of grave human rights abuses such as, wilful killing, torture and inhuman treatment.”, they’re being forced to join the army at such a young age. They’re still kids and that can’t get any more innocent than that. Like I’ve said in the past they’re still little. They as well won’t even understand what’s going on. That’s my second reason on why there shouldn’t be child