
Why Is Animal Testing Unfair

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Why Is Animal Testing Unfair
Due to animal testing, Animals have been tortured and killed for centuries, which is why it should be outlawed. Animals should not be used as test dummies for experiments that may not even work in the end. Most of these experiments are useless and waste the lives of innocent animals. This type of treatment is malicious and unjust for animals. Although some animal testing has created life-saving cures and treatments, it is still unfair and wrong because it’s cruel and inhumane, there are better alternative methods and it’s bad science.
Animal testing is unfair because it is cruel and inhumane. Taking animals and using them as testers is no better than testing on humans (ProCon, n.d.). Animals are innocent and don’t deserve to be taken and tested
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There is no longer a need for animal testing since scientists discovered non-animal testing methods that can replace the need for animals. As reported by PETA, “the world’s most forward-thinking scientists have formulated new techniques to study diseases and test products that replace animals and are applicable to human health” (PETA, n.d.). The alternatives to animal testing are sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues, advanced computer-modeling techniques, and studies with human volunteers. Now that we have new and better substitutes, animal testing is pretty much unnecessary. The other reason why animal testing is unfair is because it is bad science. Animals are very different from humans, which makes them poor testing models. According to Paul Furlong, Professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at Aston University (UK), “it's very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we're trying to achieve in the human” (Treat Animals Right, n.d.). Most animal experiments are not relevant to human health. As stated by Theodora Capaldo, “many drugs that appear safe and effective in animals fail in humans, or cause significant harm, and even death” (Capaldo, 2014). Clearly, testing on animals is counterproductive and doesn’t

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